Ground-type solar energy system
Proper usage of lands that are not suitable for farming

Many lands require 20 years of recuperation due to land subsidence, soil salinization, and severe pollution before farming can be resumed. Establishing green energy facilities on agricultural fields that do not fit agricultural usage as dictated by the Ministry of Economics requires no co-management from the agricultural party.

Merging of various industries

Agriculture, fishery, and ranching combining with the factory to install high-frame solar panel systems could reduce energy waste and put land to good use.

Investment Returns

6%-13% returns will be produced annually, and the investment can be returned in 9-10 years. The returns after ten years belong to investors, rendering the project a stable investment.

Ground-type solar panel system

If the installation of solar panels does not affect local ecology, solar panels may be included in agriculture, fishery, and ranching, creating solar-powered greenhouses and tents. Both farming and electricity generating not only increase profits for farmers, they also enable lands that are recuperating or unfit for farming to rest. The investment can be retrieved in 9-10 years. In addition, ground-type solar panels can be installed by the factory on lands which are not currently in use, which creates extra value for them.

太陽能發電如何幫助環境?-太陽能為再生能源,其每度電的碳足跡約為 35g 的二氧化碳。而在台灣,燃煤發電每發 1 度電就會產生約 528g 的二氧化碳,因此,用太陽能代替燃煤發電可以減少溫室氣體的產生,就能減緩全球暖化
Our advantages at construction

Professional structural analysis would ensure the complex not be damaged by any exterior force. The design of the complex can withstand up to 17 on the wind scales. Currently there are no records of a structure being damaged by storms.


Our professional, experienced technicians ensure every process is well controlled.

Initial Solar: decrease carbon emission with green energy