Initial Solar provides clients with business type, residential type, and ground type solar generating system projects.

Initial Solar provides clients with business type, residential type, and ground type solar generating system projects.

We focus on building customizable high efficiency solar power systems, and have been looking for a proper base in Taiwan. Currently we have more than 5MW of experience in construction, design, and simulation, with administrative offices in central and southern Taiwan. Our design team possess a decade of experience in solar power system design, while we us PVS solar power software in conducting analysis of 3D shading simulation, simulation of generating capacity, installation design, and power system design, to optimize generating efficiency.

Initial Solar believes in “build once, assist for life.” Our construction and maintenance team members possess national certificates (Level A electrician and technician for solar power installation). We insist on providing high-quality construction and five years of warranty. We also possess rich experience in maintenance, guaranteeing your solar module may generate with high efficiency for 20 years. Our true task begins after the construction is completed.

Initial Solar endeavors to transfer the love of our clients toward Taiwan into solar energy in lighting up the country, helping the earth at the same time.

投資太陽能發電如何獲利?-目前政府採用電能躉購制度(Feed-in Tariff, FIT)來獎勵推動再生能源設置。與台電簽約並通過能源局備案審查後,20 年內皆保證以固定費率售電給台電每年穩定獲利,年投資報酬率可達 6~13%,且各地縣市政府另有提供系統設置補助。

Vision and mission

Initial Solar hopes to share the concept of sustainable environment with you.

Initial Solar believes in generating one’s own power, and the self-power generation of every family and local enterprise. Use solar energy to prevent our homes from being polluted by coal-fired power generation, and the severe nightmare of PM2.5, thus improving our living environment forever.


Mission of Initial Solar: Establish and share how solar power systems may reduce energy waste, be low carbon, provide for a sustainable environment, and encourage proper usage of space, and gradually become an important collaborator of clean energy. We hope to influence more families and enterprises in participating in green energy and creating a clean Taiwan.

太陽能發電如何幫助環境?-太陽能為再生能源,其每度電的碳足跡約為 35g 的二氧化碳。而在台灣,燃煤發電每發 1 度電就會產生約 528g 的二氧化碳,因此,用太陽能代替燃煤發電可以減少溫室氣體的產生,就能減緩全球暖化
Initial Solar: decrease carbon emission with green energy